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Lunetta JM. 1987. Inactivation of cytochrome P-450 by secobarbital and related analogs, Master’s Thesis, unpublished, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.

Lunetta JM. 2002. Molecular studies of human cytomegalovirus latency, Doctoral Dissertation, unpublished, University of California, Davis.                      Document URL:

Journal Publications
Academic Publications 

- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”


Correia MA, Litman DA, Lunetta JM. 1987. Drug-induced modulations of hepatic heme metabolism. Neurological consequences. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 514:248-55.

Lunetta JM, Sugiyama K, Correia MA. 1989. Secobarbital-mediated inactivation of rat liver cytochrome P-450b: a mechanistic reappraisal. Mol Pharmacol, 35(1): 10-7.

Correia MA, Lunetta JM. 1989. Acute hepatic heme depletion: impaired gluconeogenesis in rats. Semin Hematol, 26(2): 120-7.

Swanson BA, Dutton DR, Lunetta JM, Yang CS, Ortiz de Montellano PR. 1991. The active sites of cytochromes P450 IA1, IIB1, IIB2, and IIE1. Topological analysis by in situ rearrangement of phenyl-iron complexes. J Biol Chem, 266(29): 19258-64.

Dueker SR, Lunetta JM, Jones AD, Clifford AJ. 1993. Solid-phase extraction protocol for isolating retinol-d4 and retinol from plasma for parallel processing for epidemiological studies. Clin Chem, 39(11 Pt 1): 2318-22.

Gospe SM, Gietzen DW, Summers PJ, Lunetta JM, Miller JW, Selhub J, Ellis WG, Clifford AJ. 1995. Behavioral and neurochemical changes in folate deficient mice. Physiol Behav, 58(5): 935-41.

deVere White RW, Deitch AD, Jackson AG, Gandour-Edwards R, Marshalleck J, Soares SE, Toscano SN, Lunetta JM, Stewart SL. 1998. Racial differences in clinically localized prostate cancers of black and white men. J Urol, 159(6): 1979-82; discussion 1982-3.

Lunetta JM, Wiedeman JA. 2000. Latency-associated sense transcripts are expressed during in vitro human cytomegalovirus productive infection. Virology, 278(2): 467-76.

Lunetta JM, Zulim RA, Dueker SR, Lin Y, Flaig V, Schneider PD, Wolfe BM, Clifford AJ. 2002. Method for the simultaneous determination of retinol and beta-carotene concentrations in human tissues and plasma. Anal Biochem, 304(1): 100-9.

Johnson SM, Kerekes KM, Lunetta JM, Pappagianis D. 2007. Characteristics of the protective subcellular coccidioidal T27K vaccine. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1111: 275-89.

Lunetta JM, Simmons KA, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2007. Molecular cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding a Coccidioides posadasii 1,2-alpha-mannosidase identified in the coccidioidal T27K vaccine by immunoproteomic methods. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1111: 164-80.

Lunetta JM, Simmons KA, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2007. Molecular cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding a Coccidioides posadasii Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase identified by proteomic analysis of the coccidioidal T27K vaccine. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1111: 181-97.

Lunetta JM, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2010. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of two β-N-acetylhexosaminidase homologs of Coccidioides posadasii. Med Mycol, 48(5): 744-56.

Thompson GR 3rd, Lunetta JM, Johnson SM, Taylor S, Bays D, Cohen SH, Pappagianis D. 2011. Early treatment with fluconazole may abrogate the development of IgG antibodies in coccidioidomycosis. Clin Infect Dis. 53:e20-4.

Lunetta JM, Pappagianis D. 2014. Identification, molecular characterization, and expression analysis of a DOMON-like type 9 carbohydrate-binding module domain-containing protein of Coccidioides posadasii. Med Mycol, 52:591-609.

Lee C-Y, Thompson III GR, Hastey CJ, Hodge GC, Lunetta JM, Pappagianis D, Heinrich V. 2015. Coccidioides endospores and spherules draw strong chemotactic, adhesive, and phagocytic responses by individual human neutrophils.  PLOS One, 10(6): e0129522. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129522.

Lunetta JM.  2020. Purification, characterization and expression analysis of a seroreactive Class I 1,2-α-mannosidase from the pathogenic fungus Coccidioides posadasii. Self-published / Available at Research Gate (

Lunetta JM. 2021. ​Identification and cloning of a small, secreted, seroreactive protein of Coccidioides posadasii present in the coccidioidal T27K vaccine.  Self-published / Available at Research Gate (

Lunetta JM. 2021. Immunoproteomic analysis of the coccidioidal T27K vaccine. Manuscript in preparation.

Abstract Publications

Lunetta JM, Soliven E, Correia MA. 1986. Differential repair of phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 after allylisopropylacetamide  and secobarbital-mediated inactivation. Federation Proceedings, (45) 1750.


Lunetta JM, Correia MA. 1987. Acute hepatic heme depletion impaired glucogenesis in rats. Federation Proc, (46) 1139.


Clifford AJ, Dueker SR, Lunetta JM, Zulim RA, Wolfe BM, Furr HC, Dixon Z, Burri BJ. 1993. Liver reserves of vitamin A in adult men and women determined with a stable isotope dilution protocol. FASEB Journal, (7) A30.


Dueker SR, Lunetta JM, Jones AD, Clifford AJ. 1993. A parallel processing solid phase extraction protocol for isolating retinol-d-4 and retinol from human plasma for epidemiologic studies. FASEB Journal, (7) A304.


Gospe SM Jr, Gietzen DW, Summers PJ, Lunetta JM, Selhub J, Ellis WG, Clifford AJ. 1994. Folate depletion and food spilling in mice: neurochemical and neuropathological studies. FASEB Journal, (8) A738.


Zulim RA, Lunetta JM, Corso FA, Dueker SR, Schneider PD, Joyce V, Rippon MB, Wolfe BM, Clifford AJ. 1994. Retinol and betacarotene concentrations in tissues of patients with and without breast or colon cancer. FASEB Journal, (8) A426.


Deitch AD, Miller GJ, Lunetta JM, Wertz IE, deVere-White RW. 1995. Relationship of DNA ploidy to prostate cancer grade and volume. Journal of Urology, (153S) 270A.


deVere-White, RW, Lunetta JM, Deitch AD, Gandour-Edwards R, Jackson AG, Marshallack J, Kim KB, Kim DY. 1996. Racial differences in prostate cancer. Journal of Urology, (155S) 529A.


Bolovan CA, Lunetta JM, Wiedeman JA. 1998. Expression of Ul/b' region in HCMV Toledo and clinical isolates. 23rd International Herpesvirus Workshop Abstract #228.

Lunetta JM, Wiedeman JA. 1999. Sense transcripts with initiation sites in the promoter enhancer region of the major immediate–early (MIE) region are expressed during HCMV productive infection. 24th International Herpesvirus Workshop Abstract #2.004.  

Lunetta JM, Wiedeman JA. 2000. Detection of the latent HCMV genome in a subset of peripheral blood CD14 cells obtained from healthy seropositive individuals. 25th International Herpesvirus Workshop Abstract #4.22.

Lunetta JM, Simmons KA, Pappagianis D. 2005. Cloning and expression of the gene encoding a mannosidase protein detected in the T27K coccidioidal vaccine. The 49th Annual Coccidioidomycosis Study Group Meeting, Bass Lake, CA, April 2.

Lunetta JM, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2006. Identification of a Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase in the coccidioidal T27K vaccine using proteomic methods. Sixth International Symposium on Coccidioidomycosis, Stanford, CA, August 23-26. Abstract #30.

Lunetta JM, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2006. Identification of a Class I 1,2-a-mannosidase in the coccidioidal T27K vaccine using immunoproteomic methods. Sixth International Symposium on Coccidioidomycosis, Stanford, CA, August 23-26. Abstract #32.

Lunetta JM, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2007. Immunoproteomic analysis of the coccidioidal T27K vaccine. 51st Annual Coccidioidomycosis Study Group Meeting, Mesa, AZ, March 31, Abstract #8.

Lunetta JM, Johnson SM, Pappagianis D. 2009. Molceular cloning and expression of two b-N-acetylglucosaminidase enzymes of Coccidioides posadasii. 53rd Annual Coccidiodomycosis Study Group Meeting, Bakersfield, CA April 9, Abstract #1.

Thompson III GR, Lunetta JM, Bays D, Johnson SM, Cohen SH, Pappagianis D. 2010. Early treatment with fluconazole may abrogate the development of IgG antibodies in Coccidioidomycosis. 48th Annual Infectious Diseases Society of America Meeting, October 21, Vancouver, BC Canada.

Johnson SM, Carlson EL, Ampel NM, Lunetta JM, Pappagianis D. 2010. Cloning and characterizing Coccidioides cupin protein. 54th Annual Coccidiodomycosis Study Group Meeting, Surprise, AZ, March 25, Poster Session Abstract.

Lunetta JM, Pappagianis D. 2011. Induction of chitinolytic enzymes during spherule-endospore phase of Coccidioides posadasii. Annual Coccidiodomycosis Study Group Meeting, Davis, CA, April 2.

Lunetta JM, Pappagianis D. 2012. Identification of a carbohydrate-binding module domain-containing protein induced by N-acetylglucosamine during Coccidioides posadasii spherule-endospore phase growth. American Society for Microbiology, General Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Jun 16-19, Abstract #838.

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